Although uncomfortable at times, I appreciate the data you provide about the world, highlighting important things I need to pay attention to and helping me prepare to defend myself when necessary.
I understand that your sole purpose is to protect and keep me safe, and for that, you are a steadfast ally in my life.
You've motivated me during crucial times to grow, change, and move forward, even when it felt impossible.
Thank you for revealing aspects of a person or situation that are deeply meaningful to me, showing me something important about who I am, and sharpening my intuition so I can make quicker, clearer decisions that keep me on the right path.
I value your ability to activate and mobilize my internal resources when I need to act.
Thank you for providing me with a roadmap to reflect more deeply on key moments in my life, helping me to understand them in the larger context of my present and future.
It’s valuable to recognize what you're advising me to avoid or do differently, and I appreciate how you've guided me in setting healthy boundaries and creating space for my own needs.
When you don’t show up in situations where, under healthy circumstances, you normally would, it’s important data—a reminder that I need to prioritize myself and engage in more self-preservation.
Thank you for offering insight into what I want to change in the world, and for planting the seeds of an action plan to bring about those changes.
Lastly, I recognize that your presence is not a burden but often a sign of my strength and ability to navigate life’s challenges with courage and resilience.
Sarah Sevedge has a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and is a licensed mental health counselor in private practice.
Disclaimer: The content provided is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as healthcare or medical information nor to diagnose or treat any disorder or condition. It does not constitute personal or professional consultation or create a therapist-client relationship.