Love Letter to Anxiety

Love Letter to Anxiety

Thank you for helping me keep myself and the people I love safe and thoughtfully taken care of.

I’m grateful for your guidance in steering me away from people and situations that weren’t safe for me.

Your foresight has been invaluable in preparing me and anticipating the needs of myself and others.

You've been a steadfast ally, helping me navigate difficult decisions and keeping me mindful of what’s most important to me.

Thank you for ensuring things are done perfectly when it truly matters, contributing to the sturdiness and beauty of the world.

Your presence has kept me healthy, grounded, and safe.

Your vigilance has protected me from unforeseen challenges and kept me alert to potential dangers.

I recognize that your presence, though sometimes overwhelming, is a sign of your deep care for my well-being.

Your constant reminders have encouraged me to be more resilient and adaptable in the face of uncertainty.

Thank you for teaching me the value of self-awareness and helping me grow stronger and more self-compassionate each day.



Sarah Sevedge has a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and is a licensed mental health counselor in private practice.

Disclaimer: The content provided is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as healthcare or medical information nor to diagnose or treat any disorder or condition. It does not constitute personal or professional consultation or create a therapist-client relationship.

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